CERN Accelerating science

TH Articles

უკანასკნელი დამატებები:
Overview of $B \to K^{(*)}\ell \ell$ Theoretical Calculations and Uncertainties / Mahmoudi, Farvah (IP2I, Lyon ; CERN ; IUF, Paris) ; Monceaux, Yann (IP2I, Lyon)
The search for New Physics (NP) beyond the Standard Model (SM) has been a central focus of particle physics, including in the context of $B$-meson decays involving $b \to s \ell \ell$ transitions. These transitions, mediated by flavour-changing neutral currents, are highly sensitive to small NP effects due to their suppression in the SM. [...]
arXiv:2408.03235; CERN-TH-2024-119.- 2024-08-07 - 23 p. - Published in : Symmetry: 16 (2024) , no. 8, pp. 1006 Fulltext: 2408.03235 - PDF; document - PDF; Publication - PDF;

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Four-loop two-mass tadpoles and the $\rho$ parameter / Abreu, Samuel (CERN ; U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Behring, Arnd (CERN) ; McLeod, Andrew J. (CERN ; U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Page, Ben (CERN ; Gent U.)
We calculate four-loop QCD corrections to the electroweak $\rho$ parameter with a non-vanishing $b$ quark mass. At three loops, it was observed that elliptic integrals contribute to this observable. [...]
arXiv:2407.21700; CERN-TH-2024-129.- 2024-09-17 - 12 p.
- Published in : PoS: LL2024 (2024) , pp. 008 Fulltext: 2407.21700 - PDF; document - PDF;
In : 17th Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL 2024), Wittenberg, Germany, 14 - 19 Apr 2024, pp.008

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Toponium hunter’s guide / Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A. (Madrid, IFT)
We address the discovery and characterisation of toponium production at the Large Hadron Collider. In the dilepton decay mode, multivariate analyses of spin and colour observables could provide evidence that an excess of events present near the $t \bar t$ threshold corresponds to a spin-zero colour singlet. [...]
arXiv:2407.20330; IFT-UAM/CSIC-24-112; CERN-TH-2024-123.- 2024-09-01 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 054032 Fulltext: 2407.20330 - PDF; Publication - PDF;

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Absorbing discretization effects with a massive renormalization scheme: The charm-quark mass / Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Erben, Felix (CERN) ; Flynn, Jonathan M. (Southampton U.) ; Mukherjee, Rajnandini (Southampton U.) ; Tsang, J. Tobias (CERN) /RBC Collaboration ; UKQCD Collaboration
We present the first numerical implementation of the massive SMOM (mSMOM) renormalization scheme and use it to calculate the charm quark mass. Based on ensembles with three flavours of dynamical domain wall fermions with lattice spacings in the range 0.11 -- 0.08 fm, we demonstrate that the mass scale which defines the mSMOM scheme can be chosen such that the extrapolation has significantly smaller discretisation effects than the SMOM scheme. [...]
arXiv:2407.18700; CERN-TH-2024-124.- 2024-09-01 - 15 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 054512 Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2407.18700 - PDF;

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Personal reminiscences of Steven Weinberg / Quevedo, Fernando (Cambridge U., DAMTP ; CERN)
My personal recollections are presented regarding my interactions with Steven Weinberg and the impact he had in my career from when I was his graduate student until the present..
arXiv:2407.10033; CERN-TH-2024-105.- 2024-07-06 - 6 p. Fulltext: PDF;

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QCD corrections to Higgs boson production and $H \to b \bar{b}$ decay in weak boson fusion / Asteriadis, Konstantin (Regensburg U.) ; Behring, Arnd (CERN) ; Melnikov, Kirill (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Novikov, Ivan (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Röntsch, Raoul (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.)
We study QCD corrections to the process where a Higgs boson is produced in weak boson fusion and then decays into a pair of massive $b$ quarks. We find that typical experimental criteria used to identify $b$ jets in this process affect QCD corrections to the decay, making it necessary to account for them in the proper description of this process. [...]
arXiv:2407.09363; TTP24-019; P3H-24-040; CERN-TH-2024-095; TIF-UNIMI-2024-5.- 2024-09-01 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 054017 Fulltext: 2407.09363 - PDF; Publication - PDF;

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The three-loop single-mass heavy flavor corrections to deep-inelastic scattering / Ablinger, J. (Linz U., RISC ; OAW, Linz, RICAM) ; Behring, A. (CERN) ; Blümlein, J. (DESY, Zeuthen ; Dortmund U.) ; De Freitas, A. (Linz U., RISC ; DESY, Zeuthen) ; von Manteuffel, A. (Regensburg U.) ; Schneider, C. (Linz U., RISC) ; Schönwald, K. (Zurich U.)
We report on the status of the calculation of the massive Wilson coefficients and operator matrix elements for deep-inelastic scatterung to three-loop order. We discuss both the unpolarized and the polarized case, for which all the single-mass and nearly all two-mass contributions have been calculated [...]
arXiv:2407.02006; CERN-TH-2024-100; ZU-TH 31/24; RISC Report number 24-04; DESY-24-096.- 2024-09-17 - 12 p. - Published in : PoS LL2024 (2024) 047 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2407.02006 - PDF;
In : 17th Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL 2024), Wittenberg, Germany, 14 - 19 Apr 2024, pp.047

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Towards the next Kira release / Lange, Fabian (Zurich U. ; PSI, Villigen) ; Usovitsch, Johann (CERN) ; Wu, Zihao (HIAS, UCAS, Hangzhou)
The reduction of Feynman integrals to a basis of master integrals plays a crucial role for many high-precision calculations and Kira is one of the leading tools for this task. In these proceedings we discuss some of the new features and improvements currently being developed for the next release..
arXiv:2407.01395; ZU-TH 32/24; PSI-PR-24-14; CERN-TH-2024-096.- 2024-09-17 - 13 p. - Published in : PoS LL2024 (2024) 070 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2407.01395 - PDF;
In : 17th Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL 2024), Wittenberg, Germany, 14 - 19 Apr 2024, pp.070

დეტალური ჩანაწერი - მსგავსი ჩანაწერები
LO, NLO, and NNLO Parton Distributions for LHC Event Generators / Cruz-Martinez, Juan (CERN) ; Forte, Stefano (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Laurenti, Niccolo (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Rabemananjara, Tanjona R. (Vrije U., Amsterdam ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Rojo, Juan (Vrije U., Amsterdam ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam)
We present NNPDF4.0MC, a variant of the NNPDF4.0 set of parton distributions (PDFs) at LO, NLO and NNLO, with and without inclusion of the photon PDF, suitable for use with Monte Carlo (MC) event generators, which require PDFs to satisfy additional constraints in comparison to standard PDF sets. These requirements include PDF positivity down to a low scale $Q\sim 1$ GeV, smooth extrapolation in the very small and large $x$ regions, and numerically stable results even in extreme regions of phase space for all PDFs. [...]
arXiv:2406.12961; CERN-TH-2024-080; TIF-UNIMI-2024-4.- 2024-09-17 - 14 p. - Published in : JHEP 2409 (2024) 088 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2406.12961 - PDF;

დეტალური ჩანაწერი - მსგავსი ჩანაწერები
Heavy-to-light form factors to three loops / Fael, Matteo (CERN) ; Huber, Tobias (Siegen U.) ; Lange, Fabian (Zurich U. ; PSI, Villigen) ; Müller, Jakob (Siegen U.) ; Schönwald, Kay (Zurich U.) ; Steinhauser, Matthias (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP)
We compute three-loop corrections of $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{s}^3)$ to form factors with one massive and one massless quark coupling to an external vector, axialvector, scalar, pseudoscalar, or tensor current. We obtain analytic results for the color-planar contributions, for the contributions of light-quark loops, and the contributions with two heavy-quark loops. [...]
arXiv:2406.08182; CERN-TH-2024-064; P3H-24-036; PSI-PR-24-13; SI-HEP-2024-14; TTP24-017; SI-HEP-2024-14, TTP24-017; ZU-TH28/24.- 2024-09-01 - 51 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 056011 Fulltext: PDF;

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