CERN Accelerating science

RD53 Papers

Latest additions:
RD53 Pixel Readout Integrated Circuits for ATLAS and CMS HL-LHC Upgrades / Christiansen, Jorgen (CERN) /RD53 collaboration
The RD53 collaboration has since 2013 developed new hybrid pixel detector chips with 50x50um$^2$ pixels for the HL-LHC upgrades of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN. A common architecture, design and verification framework has been developed to enable final pixel chips with different chip sizes to be designed, verified and tested to handle extreme hit rates of 3GHz/cm$^2$ (12GHz per chip) together with significantly increased trigger rate of 1MHz and efficient readout of up to 5.12Gbits/s per pixel chip. [...]
CERN-RD53-PUB-24-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 64. revised after JINST review: RD53_JINST_revised1 - PDF; RD53_JINST_revised1_2 - PDF;

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RD53C Chip Manual / Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) /RD53 collaboration
This manual provides a technical description of the RD53C chip design and operation adequate for simulation, testing, debugging and DAQ development. The Manual comes in two flavors: RD53C_ATLAS (also called ITkPix-V2) and RD53C-CMS (also called CROC-V2) [...]
CERN-RD53-PUB-24-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 120. Version 1.92 of ATLAS chip manual: PDF; Version 1.92 of CMS chip manual: PDF;

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RD53B users guide /RD53 Collaboration
Introduction to RD53B pixel chip architecture, features, performance and recommendations for use in pixel detector systems
CERN-RD53-PUB-21-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 Fulltext: PDF;

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CMS analog front-end: simulations and measurements / Gaioni, Luigi (Universita and INFN (IT)) ; Gaioni, Luigi (Universita and INFN (IT)) ; Loddo, Flavio (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT)) /RD53 collaboration
Simulations and measurements of the Linear analogue front-end used in the RD53B-CMS (CROC) pixel chip. Lots of useful information when having to optimize Analog front-end configuration to specific pixel sensor and specific operation conditions
CERN-RD53-PUB-20-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 100. Design, simulation and test of Linear Analog Front-end: PDF;

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DRAD results obtained during irradiation campaigns / Jara Casas, Luis Miguel (CERN) /RD53 Collaboration
The DRAD chip was designed with the aim of studying the impact of high radiation levels on digital electronics in 65nm CMOS technology, A description of the chip and a summary of the results obtained in the testing is shown in this document. Results cover campaigns after irradiation up to total ionizing doses of 200 Mrad and 500 Mrad at different temperatures. [...]
CERN-RD53-PUB-20-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 210. DRAD chip test results report: PDF; Results of the LPGBT test structure, 200Mrad -20C:: PDF; Results of the LPGBT test structure, 200Mrad room temperature: PDF; Results of the LPGBT test structure, 500Mrad room temperature: PDF;

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RD53B Manual / Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) ; Loddo, Flavio (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT)) ; Christiansen, Jorgen (CERN) /RD53 collaboration
Detalied description ifthe RD53B design applicable to both ATLAS and CMS submissions. Also GDS files of top metal of submitted chips
CERN-RD53-PUB-19-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2019 - 100. - Published in : 1) Detailed_ATLAS_Manual_pdf_from_gitlab
- Published in : 2) Detailed_CMS_Manual_pdf_from_gitlab
- Published in : 3) General_introductory_guide RD53B_ATLAS_top_metal_Final: GZ; RD53B_CMS_top_metal_V1: ZIP;

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RD53B Design Requirements / Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) /RD53 Collaboration
Common requirements for the ATLAS and CMS HL-LHC pixel readout chips. A common design framework called RD53B will be used to generate the production chip layouts for both experiments, with minor customization affecting primarily the chip size, which will be different for ATLAS and CMS, but is simply a parameter in the RD53B framework [...]
CERN-RD53-PUB-19-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2019 - 16. - Published in : RD53B_Requirements_V3_1: PDF;

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Production chip combined requirements for ATLAS and CMS / Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice (University of California Berkeley (US)) /RD53 Collaboration
Draft for comment by the CMS collaboration
CERN-RD53-PUB-18-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2018 for review by experiments: PDF;

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Production chip combined requirements for ATLAS and CMS / Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice (University of California Berkeley (US)) /RD53 Collaboration
Requirements draft for comment by ATLAS Collaboration
CERN-RD53-PUB-18-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2018 - 20. (for review by experiments): PDF;

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The RD53A Integrated Circuit / Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) /RD53 Collaboration
Implementation details for the RD53A pixel readout integrated circuit designed by the RD53 Collaboration. This is a companion to the specifications document and will eventually become a reference for chip users. [...]
CERN-RD53-PUB-17-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2017 - 73. RD53A_Manual_V3-51: PDF;

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