Due to a planned intervention, some web lectures may be unavailable on Wednesday, June 26th from 12:00 to 14:00 CEST.

CERN Accelerating science

Open Days 2013 Bulletin Articles

Seen it in the Bulletin? Now see it in real-life!
Vous l’avez vu dans le Bulletin ? Allez le voir en vrai !
/ CERN Bulletin
Detector Technologies (Map: C4): Read more about the construction and physics of the new NA62 straw chambers in “Straw Detector: 1 - Vacuum: 0”.   The Synchrocyclotron (Map: B2): Read more about the newly opened synchrocyclotron (SC) in “New life for CERN's first accelerator” [...]
BUL-NA-2013-209.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013

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They will rock you!
Ils vont vous faire vibrer !
/ Anaïs Schaeffer
On 30 September, CERN will be the venue for one of the most prestigious events of the year: the concert for the Bosons&More; event, the Organization’s celebration of the remarkable performance of the LHC and all its technical systems, as well as the recent fundamental discoveries. Topping the bill will be the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the CERN Choir, the Zürcher Sing-Akademie and the Alan Parsons Live Project rock group, who have joined forces to create an unforgettable evening’s entertainment. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-208.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: OSR (Grégory Maillot)_coul1314_mai13_image - JPG; OSR_image - JPG;

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Be smart: Download the app!
Un guide personnel dans votre smartphone ? Téléchargez l’application !
/ Katarina Anthony
What’s the closest snack point to the CLIC test facility? How do you get from your current location to SM18? How do you enter the CERN Open Days photo contest? Finding out is simple: there’s an app for that!   The CERN Open Days app is your personal guide to the Laboratory. Developed by expert volunteers from the IT Department, the app provides comprehensive practical information on CERN transport, shops, snack points and toilet facilities along with detailed location information and event timetables. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-207.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: PNG;

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From The Beatles to Bosons
Des Beatles aux bosons
/ Stephanie McClellan
Before embarking on a successful career as a musician, Alan Parsons started out as a sound engineer - earning his first credit on The Beatles’ Abbey Road.  Over the years, he has worked and collaborated with various artists, but 30 September 2013 marks a unique collaboration.  For CERN’s ‘Bosons & More’ party, Alan Parsons Live Project will be sharing the stage with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande.  Having already visited CERN in 2011, Alan Parsons provides an insight into his views on science and his upcoming performance at the ‘Bosons & More’ event.     Alan Parsons during his visit to CERN in August 2011 [...]
BUL-NA-2013-206.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: AlanParsons_image - JPG; AlanParsons_1_image - JPG;

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Monday (after work) is party time!
Lundi (après le travail), c'est la fête !
/ Antonella Del Rosso
In this interview with Hermann Schmickler, CERN accelerator expert and, more recently, manager of the Open Day organising team, the Bulletin looks behind the scenes of the organisation of CERN’s most popular events for the public.  After the huge endeavour, the “Bosons&More;” party awaits you too!   The Open Days core team. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-205.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: JPG;

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Open Days Guide: CERN, for a better life
Guide des portes ouvertes : le CERN améliore notre quotiden
/ CERN Bulletin
At times, CERN research can seem rather “out there”. After all, how can this work possibly relate to daily life? So, let’s bring it back down to Earth with some real-life examples of CERN technology in action. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-204.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: JPG;

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Open Days Guide for the CERN-savvy
Guide des portes ouvertes pour les Cernois futés
/ Katarina Anthony
Do you think you know your Laboratory? Been there, done that? Well then prepare to be proven wrong! The CERN sites are hosting some spectacular tours, demonstrations and events to surprise even the most well-versed of CERNois. Take a look. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-203.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: LEIR_image - JPG; IMG_6532_image - JPG; OpenDays2013-2_image - JPG;

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Open Days Guide: Kids invade CERN!
Guide des portes ouvertes : les enfants envahissent le CERN !
/ Katarina Anthony
Keep the whole family entertained with this mix of zany activities, performances and visits.   ATLAS Adventures Using the building blocks of the Universe – LEGO, of course – kids will be invited to make their own model of the ATLAS experiment. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-202.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: CMS_image - JPG; funwithphysics_image - JPG; Alice_image - JPG; vacuum_image - JPG; atlas_image - JPG; workshop_image - JPG; safety_image - JPG; otherareas_image - JPG; cernland_image - JPG; transport_image - JPG;

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CERN celebrates science over and over again!
Le CERN fête la science, encore et encore !
/ Anaïs Schaeffer
CERN is getting ready to open its doors for two days of science and entertainment, but the celebrations don’t stop here. From 9 October 2013, France’s Fête de la Science will take up the reins [...]
BUL-NA-2013-201.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013 Fulltext: CMS_LaserScanner-2_image - JPG; Programme_image - PNG; FETE2_image - JPG; FETE1_image - JPG;

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Ombuds’ corner: Open door and confidentiality
Le coin de l’Ombuds : porte ouverte et confidentialité
/ Vincent Vuillemin
For the Open Days, CERN will be transparent for all visitors. It's also the occasion to remember that the Ombuds' door is fully open every day of the year for all persons working for or on behalf of CERN. [...]
BUL-NA-2013-199.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2013 41/2013

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