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it-dep-dh-archive: Identity statement
Reference code: it-dep-dh-archive
Title: Information Technology Department Head's Archive
Dates: 1992 to 2021
Extent: 3124 data files, 4.9G, 39 distinct formats. Digital and scanned files coming from the office of the IT head, mostly during the period of Frédéric Hemmer, Wolfgang Van Rueden, Manuel Delfino and Juergen May
it-dep-dh-archive: Context
Name of creator: Department Head Office
Biographical history: This collection has been harvested and organized by Frédéric Hemmer who digitized many documents from his predecessors, and switched to a fully digital office.
Source of acquisition: All documents were stored on the /eos/project/i/it-dep-dh-archive location.

OAIS Registry: it-dep-dh-archive

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