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CERN Accelerating science

EMI NA3 Technical Documents

EMI New User Communities / Riedel, M (JUELICH)
This document provides pieces of information about new user communities that directly or indirectly take advantage of EMI Products. Each user community is described via one specific EMI product use case to understand and communicate the current usage of EMI Products in practice [...]
EMI-NA3-TD002.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 Fulltext: PDF;

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EMI Product Use Cases / Riedel, Morris (EMI/JUELICH)
Thi document contains a hig-level description of use cases for appliaction of the EMI products in various scientific research contexts..
EMI-NA3-TD001.- Geneva : CERN, 2012 EMI Products Use Cases: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;

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