CERN Accelerating science

The purpose of Internal Notes is to make information, not intended for publication, related to an experiment or a project available as an internal document to the collaborators. Internal Notes might be status reports of a sub-detectors or subsystems, general guidelines or rules, detailed physics discussions etc.
Traditionally the Library do not hold Internal Notes, so for series not listed, consult EDMS or address to the respective secretariat.

CERN Notes

Narrow by collection:
ALICE Public Notes (101)
LHCb Slides (6,144)
CERN R&D Projects (4,896)
LCD Notes (80)
Procurement Reference Documents (21)
AB Notes (366)
ALEPH Internal Notes (2,234)
ALICE Internal Notes (458)
ARDA Internal Documentation (32)
ATLAS Communications (34,122) [restricted]
ATLAS Conference Notes (1,266)
ATLAS Conference Slides (12,618)
ATLAS Internal Notes (1,211) [restricted]
ATLAS Notes (10,422)
ATLAS Scientific Notes (69)
Accelerators & Technology Sector Notes (909)
BE Notes (174)
CERN Summer Students Project Notes (2,720)
CLIC Detector and Physics Study Notes (43)
CMS Conference Reports (5,281)
CMS Detector Performance Summaries (756)
CMS Notes (910)
CMS Detector Notes (3)
CMS Physics Analysis Summaries (1,855)
EN Notes (96)
HARP-CDP Internal Notes (37)
Human Resources (HR) (1,699)
ISR Performance Reports (1,556)
ISR Running-in (440)
IT Notes (318)
LHC Performance Notes (31)
LHC Project Notes (452)
LHC Project Reports (1,174)
LHCb Conference Contributions (172)
LHCb Conference Proceedings (796)
LHCb Internal Notes (892) [restricted]
LHCb Public Notes (1,133)
LHCf Notes (0)
LHeC Project Notes (45)
MIS Notes (88)
n_TOF Public Notes (5)
NUFACT Notes (150)
Experimental Physics Technical Notes (40)
PS Coordination Notes (123)
SL Notes (1,453)
sLHC Project Notes (42)
SPS Technology Notes (286)
TE Notes (62)
TOTEM Notes (40)
TS Notes (178)
CERN Admin E-Guide (385)
SHiP Public Notes (28)
Future Circular Collider Documents (189)
IT Slides (42)
PBC Notes (41)
PBC Conference papers and slides (26)
EP Notes (919)
Focus on:
CLIC Notes (1,411)